Norfolk Island Military Museum


Credit : Australian Defence Force

Whilst on Norfolk Island you must visit the Norfolk Island Military Museum located at the RSL Memorial Club.

The RSL memorial club commemorates those who have served in the various conflicts in which Australia has been involved.

The Norfolk Island RSL Sub-Branch was reformed late in 1945 when Norfolk Island personnel began to return to home from World War Two. In 1950 the Sub-Branch members raised 50 pounds to purchase a half-acre plot for the sole purpose of building the Norfolk Island RSL Sub-Branch Club. Just as important during this period the RSL Women’s Auxiliary was formed to primarily support the Sub-Branch and widows of the Sub-Branch. ANZAC Day 1951 was a very memorable occasion at the new Club.

The History of the Norfolk Island Military Museum

To commemorate 75 years of peace in the Pacific the NI RSL Sub-Branch in association with the community of NI and the NI Regional Council and the Australian government began an event called Pacific Peace 2020 (PP2020). The event was planned for Victory in the Pacific on the 15th of August 2020 and professionally marketed to a greater audience in Australasia, New Zealandia, USA, Japan, and the UK. Regrettably the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the event reverting to a local commemoration only.

Norfolk Island community businesses and individuals along with commercial partners of the Regional Council and the Commonwealth of Australia pledged financial assistance in-lieu of the PP2020 strategic plan to build a museum within the Norfolk Island RSL Sub-Branch Memorial Club building.

Today the Norfolk Island Military Museum proudly displays memorabilia and artifacts’ which encapsulate the service of NI men and women for all wars and conflicts since the Boer War. The museum also features the history of the construction of the NI Airport during WWII.

This compact and small museum displays some very special memorabilia and artefacts from such a small and isolated community.

Bookings for tours and tour/dinner packages are available at the RSL Club.

Cost: $10

Open: 3 – 5 pm

Days: Wed & Fri

Duration: Guided Tour 45mins

Access: Walk on the left side of the Club and proceed to the rear basement entrance.
